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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What should I eat?


What should I order today? Says the lady holding a menu from the Pizza place down the street? This is the way of life in society today. What's for lunch? "Let's go to the drive thru at XX  I want a number 4 with extra cheese". The kids are hungry let's pick up diner while we're at it I don't feel like cooking tonight. When did it become ok to let other people prepare our meals on a daily basis. Our ancestors are turning in their graves! Do you even know what you're eating? I doubt it (No Wait) as a matter of fact I know you don't! Why is that so hard for people to understand this? And how do we make them?

Food, seems easy enough... Not! What a mission it is and not a very easy one! People freak out when you try to tell them about all the toxic chemicals in the their favorite foods. They get so offended!! Why??  Maybe they think "there is no way I was wrong all these years!!" or They feel overwhelmed and hey! that is completely normal! I know I did:) I remember when I learned the truth many thoughts crossed mind but being offended was not one of them. I felt native and maybe even a little lost but I certainly did not offended. I needed to know more so I researched and changed my ways and now,  here I am. I want to share this information because I was alone when I ventured out to investigate the truth. I'm here to let you know you don't have to be .
 Have you ever watched Food Inc?

 No? Please watch it and if you've watch it and are still eating fast foods... Watch it again! and again! Until it sinks in! Eating right is not only for weight loss or looking young. It is an investment! For those of you who have 401k plans or bank investments should understand this. Why do you invest? Easy question right? Seems simple enough for me, you invest to have a better future! Now, apply the same investments to your body. True example: Two women both around 75-80 years old come into my health food store one women in attached to an oxygen tank she sits in a wheelchair and could barely speak or remember any of the vitamins she had to buy. She is accompanied by her granddaughter which drive her everywhere because she is illegally blind. I helped this women with all the supplements she requested however, she never bought any food. When I asked her about the kinds of foods she is eating she didn't want to give me the time of day. All the while holding a cup of soda with a fast food logo in her hand. Sad to say her condition will never really improve.

It's all about the food!
Fact: Taking supplements does not compensate for a crappy diet. 

The second lady comes in smiling and sharp as a tack! Walks right in, no walker or wheelchair. She looks great and healthy, it was hard to tell her age, I only knew because she told me. She drove herself and comes in regularly. She always buy a few supplements but mostly organic foods and lots of green. She buys all organic veggies & fruits like Kale, Spinach, Strawberries and Apples. She is pretty much pain-free with the exception of an injury that she suffered in a car accident 7 years ago. How do you want to end up like lady #1 or lady #2? I know I'd like to drive myself, be able to breathe on my own and have a smile on my face when I'm 81!
Some might say "I've eating this way for 30 years and I ain't dead yet" My response to that is "Yeah Yet!"  How long do you think your body will last when you are constantly abusing it? This is common sense and even in bible says " Let your food be your medicine".  It amazes me how many churches do not practice this. I'll say it again "Let your food be your medicine"!!! Do you get it? You are destroying your body a little every time you reach for foods that are contaminated with chemicals!! The sad part is these companies are getting away it! Laws are changing to protect them!! Well, who is protecting us? Do you want this world for your kids? I say No! Investigate, research, call these companies ask them why do they use harmful chemicals in there products and make a difference! Do it before it's too late!

Time to WAKE UP!!!   

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