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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let talk about SEX


Achieving complete wellness isn't just about eating right or taking supplements although it is a major part and should be taken seriously. It is also about the mental state that you are in and the influences around you. Have you ever been around someone a friend, family member or perhaps a lover and thought to yourself... why do I spend time with this person?? Or does this relationship give me the energy that is benefiting me or does it rob me from my energy??

This is highly important and needs be a priority because if it isn't... the potential for achieving your dreams and following your life missions will not come to pass. By surrounding yourself with this sluggish/negative energy attached to these kinds of people, it is impossible to truly tap into your higher self.

Now, I realized that people can change so by all means help those that want it but there's a big difference in helping someone and wasting time on someone that is content with themselves. In these cases only a life changing experience can intervene, then they might be more open to a spiritual awakening.

I've mentioned in previous posts and if you read my description I read a lot and I'm not ashamed to call myself a nerd... I also love to shop for books in unique little places (I find it soulful to spend my money in places that care about what they are selling). So I discovered this hole in the wall shop filled with all kinds of books to my liking. The woman that owned the store had her desk in the corner and there were books just piled around her like a She was wearing big glasses and she was reading an old book. The store smelled like a library ( I love that smell)  And there it was;

 "The medicine woman inner guide" 

Talk about synchronicity, I knew I had to have it...This post is inspired by this book and I know that who ever decides to read this will gain a greater understanding of themselves and who they allow to affect them whether it be in a positive or negative way. The title of the book is geared toward women, however, men can also relate to the messages just the same. So lets talk about sex...  

Here are some vital self questions to focus on: Do I give the gift on my sexual energy to this person because I connect with her/him on some level? Does this person help me grow? Please note I am not talking about love, that's a whole other blog! Do I feel satisfied with the time spent after the sexual encounter has occurred? Also does this person share the same worldly views?

When these things don't match up you may end up feeling alone or vulnerable. Most of all you feel like a fool for giving your energy to a person that didn't appreciate it. In this day and age couples marry each other without considering the obvious... Good looks and being attracted to someone is important but it is just a small piece of the puzzle. 

Involving yourself in a situation with a person(s) that don't fill you with productive energy is a waste of time. If this person makes you feel like you aren't good enough then it's time to do some heavy self-questioning...Are you attracted to that because you are used to this sort of treatment? It might be time to understand why...More importantly... Do you want to commit your time to someone for all the wrong reasons? If any of these question hit hard then it's time to look inside yourself because this way of life is bad for your health...

Spending time with someone that shares your worldly views and can stimulates your mind is sexy and to me it is the only way to guarantee great sex, Yes I said it!! and if it doesn't last at least you are left with sexy memories that will make you smile inside for years to come Lol...
Any ?'s I'll be here...Sfly      

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