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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Diet Tips


Just a few tips on food combining. I'll blog more on this subject in future posts...


Eat Fruits on an Empty Stomach (do not eat fruits with other foods) it causes gas and leads to digestive problems because the fruits start fermenting while the other food such as proteins or starches take longer.


Eat Proteins with Non-Starchy Vegetables (meat and potatoes are a thing of the past) they do not mix well in the stomach. 


Avoid ice cold drinks during meals. Keep reading and you'll know why:)


Warm drinks encourage digestion, I like ginger tea. Avoiding ice cold water is a smart move when it comes to your body. Why? Think of your stomach as a hot oven (the metabolic rate needs to be high in order to have the ability to digest food now pour cold water all over it. What happens?  

Large amounts of fat and fried foods delay the secretion of hydrochloric acid needed to digest protein. Avoid combining a large amount of fat with high protein food. Burping is your signal that oil and protein don’t mix.


This is it people... DIGESTION...It is so important! 


If you can eat in such a way that requires you to put the right foods together in a meal with the certainty that your body can break it down, feed the cells and eliminate toxins...Doesn't it make sense to give it a try???


I've been reading up and putting these food combining laws in to practice at home. I will report to my readers with any comments, opinions and results so remember to check in.


Look younger, feel better and have energy! Need I say more? ...Sfly

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