Hello, Beautiful people
I have a bone to pick with the FDA... Now, I realize that there is a lot of controversy surrounding the HCG Diet but I'm going to say whats on my mind in hopes that my readers can relate or at least have an open mind on the matter.
If you've never been over weight then you probably won't understand where I'm coming from but for those of you that are that are or are on road to losing weight know wholeheartedly how hard it is...Right!? We have all sat there late at night watching these infomercials on tv "LOSE WEIGHT OVER NIGHT JUST BUY THIS DRINK or PILL or EXERCISE MACHINE" etc, etc...
I've tried it all...name it I've tried it! I have lost weight and yes I've gained it back...I've done Adkins's, Weight watcher, join the gym and countless other programs but as soon as I went back to living my life some how I gained weight back. At this point I got to thinking...
Why? I would think...Is it always going to be like this? Is this the way my body reacts to food? I start getting curious and I'm glad I did. I remember this night like if was yesterday. I had ordered a CD lose 30 pounds in 30 days by Kevin Trudeau. It was about 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I popped on my computer, put my headphones on. This event changed my life and I mean completely changed me forever. The more this man talked in my ear the more I shook my head in amazement. Everything he said made complete sense, they call him the Whistle blower and so this is why I believe he got a bad rep for exposing the truth about fast food chains. He called out chemicals added to food to make you addicted. This is a CD that I strongly suggest to get (you might be able to download now).
I realized that I wasn't correcting the problem, the food that I thought was good for me was toxic.My cravings, metabolism were unbalanced, my hunger never got better and when I did lose weight it wasn't as much as I wanted to lose also I didn't look or feel healthy, my skin was saggy and I didn't like the way my clothes fit. Ultimately I was unhappy and still lost in the world of diet pills and fad diets. Until NOW!
First of all HCG is not a fad diet and I need to make this clear, It is a protocol Dr. Simeons started it in the 1950's, (YES I said 50's!!) he discovered how to correct the underlying cause of obesity with the hcg protocol. Through his vigorous research he discovered three kinds of fat: structural fat which is packing around organs for protection, normal fat reserves used in times of stress or need and abnormal fat which causes weight gain as it does not disperse. People dieting first exhaust their normal reserves; the body does everything it can to hang onto abnormal fat. The brain controls this process. The chemical controlling this (hypothalamus gland) part of the brain is hcg which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotroplsin.
The HCG resets your hypothalamus gland. Another key activity of the hypothalamus is secreting hormones that support the normal function of the pituitary gland. Other fundamental tasks, performed by the hypothalamus, include regulating body temperature, appetite, digestion, circulation and sleep (all of which are very important for weight loss). Additionally, the hypothalamus gland controls critical metabolic activities, helping us maintain healthy fluid levels and properly metabolize fats and sugars. After years of eating fast foods and hydrogenated oils the hypothalamus basically doesn't function properly anymore. THIS is why we all have the "YO YO" effect where you lose weight then gain it back over and over again. By following Dr. Simeons HCG protocol you will successfully reset the hypothalamus gland so that it may function how it is supposed to.
This of course is also a lifestyle change. And lets face it.. In this country it is greatly needed! Not only for weigh-loss but also to prevent disease. The protocol is also followed with low-calorie meals. This is only to ensure rapid weight-loss. I also took a liver cleanse while I was on the protocol because the toxins that were trapped in the fat cells all that time were then released into the bloodstream and liver cleanse filters those toxins out. The liver cleanse is important because it makes sure the toxins are properly eliminated from the body.
Back to the FDA ...I'm so disappointed with what the FDA is doing in regards to HCG supplement. It seems that they have made it illegal?? Really? I'm sure that there are plenty of harmful diet drugs with plenty of REAL side effect that should be illegal but aren't...There are bogus claims that HCG is harmful but there is NO evidence to proof that and everyone I know says otherwise including myself. This is outrageous and unfair to finally find a real product with real results and then have it taken away. Well, that is my story and I'm sticking to it...Sfly
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