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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Monday, November 21, 2011

Propylene glycol

Do you know what is in your beauty product, such as lotions, soap and even toothpaste? Well, I've done my research and I was not happy. Every product has an ingredients list and I've looked at almost every product label in the big name stores. To my surprise almost every product has an ingredient call Propylene glycol. What is that?? and why is it in everything?? It's in baby products, dog food, hair gel and many more...

I just want to talk about the skin for a moment. Skin is the largest organ on the human body, YES it is an ORGAN, just like your liver and kidneys. Most importantly is it the largest eliminating organ so when you sweat you are actually eliminating toxins. That is the reason people with kidney problems usually have some sort of skin issue like psoriasis.Tattoos are cool but they destroy the skin cell making it impossible to release toxins. This consequently makes other organs work harder throwing your body completely out of balance. No thanks! I'd rather do henna.

So now that you understand how important the skin it's time to lay down the facts on propylene glycol and other long weird words that end in GLYCOL. Propylene glycol is a type of alcohol and is made by fermenting yeast and carbohydrates. Propylene glycol  is a byproduct of anti-freeze and highly inflammable liquid. It drys the skin and absorbs into the bloodstream. Would you rub a little anti-freeze on your face every night? Not me...Please check your night creams.

Propylene glycol is metabolized to lactate and in toxic quantities can cause acidosis, liver damage, and renal insufficiency. Clinical signs of a propylene glycol toxicoses include depression, weakness, ataxia, and seizures. I mean, come on, it's in almost everything unless you know how to avoid it. How many products do most people use in a day? You do the math!! I see this stuff listed in some natural products too. I will not buy a product that contains this chemical. Thankfully, you can find them at your local Health food store.

I use Aubrey Organics & Derma-e....Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments...Sfly


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