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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Excesstive Hunger -VS- PGX

I get this question A LOT...What can I take for weight loss? I'm always hungry and I can't control it.

This is a very complex subject because a person may be thirsty and get hunger pains...Yep that's right darling! You might just need to drink more water! And get this..You may not really be hungry at all and you eating because your bored or sad. Many times emotions may take over and that is what you call an "Emotional Eater".

You eat when your depressed, you eat when your happy, you eat nervous and food becomes your target to feel better. In most cases people deny this is what they are doing. If you recognize it then you quickly realize that the diet pills you bought isn't really helping.

 If you an "Emotional Eater" you need supplements for balancing your serotonin and you may have adrenals fatigue. I wrote about adrenal fatigue on a previous post...check it out <3

Now, please don't take this the wrong way people! No one should be ashamed of being an emotional eater. It's a good thing to recognize what you are and how you operate. It's just like solving a puzzle.

There is a great sense of relief in knowing what is causing you discomfort in your life. The hardest part is figuring out what it is in the 1st place.  So, please be honest with yourself and then you can move in the right direction.

 Emotional eater or not I have good news for you! People who get hungry too often and are over weight can get relief from this supplement called PGX from NATURAL FACTORS. PGX is a fiber that's expands in the stomach. This wonderful product has no calories, may help to lower blood sugar and help you detox the colon while keeping you fuller longer!

Remember what I said though...You may not be hungry! So make sure that your drinking plenty of water (Alkaline please). With PGX you will need to drink up anyways because fiber needs water to work. Also, if you eat out too much ...THAT NEEDS TO STOP! I mean it! Fast foods have tons of chemicals that make you crave more and give you hunger pains. Yes! you read that correctly ...I'll say it again.


So, cut it out people! :) Go to your local health food store and pick yourself up a supplement called PGX!


Quick tip- You can mix with water, sprinkle on yogurt, add it to juices or smoothies! But make sure to drink it quick or the fiber will expand in the cup instead of your stomach. For an experiance PGXer
I just dump it in my mouth and chase it with water and if there is any left over I just chew it up and I'm done but if you a beginner please don't try it at home kids ...hee hee!! 

Sending lots of LOVE with all my healthfoodie heart!!
Stay healthy and be kind to each other! ~Sfly signing out~

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