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I work at a Health Food Store

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Holistic Detox Therapist, Herbalist, Nutritional Live Cell Technician, Writer, Soul Survivor, Student, Entrepreneur, Star Dust, Friend, Dancer, Beach Lover, Animal Lover, Flower Power, Earth Walker, Tree hugs, Star Gazer, Sun Child, Staying Real, Universal Thinker, Soul Mate Seeker

Sunday, June 11, 2017

What is Shingles and Herpes Zoster?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What is the big deal about Organic Sulfur?

So, There is a huge buzz going around and I'd like to talk about it...

ORGANIC SULFUR also known as MSM

When I was at work we got about a thousand calls from customers about it. MSM has been around forever! Nothing new...

The thing is people we have this guy on the internet selling organic sulfur and it's pretty pricey. If you look up MSM the definition is organic sulfur. MSM is found in plants and animals. Now I admit there's some brands that are better than others. And I hate to say it  but there are some companies that fill their supplements with binders and a bunch of other crap. Usually those are the companies you see in the big box stores, not health food stores.

Just to give you an inside scoop on what goes on in the health food industry and the supplement world; every company that pitches their vitamins and supplements to the health food stores around the world are very dedicated to transparency. Health food store employees get to go to supplement training and lectures. They are filled with extensive knowledge and research about how they work, studies that were conducted and where the materials come from.

They also do what's called "Third-party testing", which means a separate company will test these products for quality and purity. These third-party companies have no interest on profits in the outcome of the test results whatsoever.

If the Organic Sulfur guy's stuff is so great then why are they not sold in health food stores?

So, you can get organic sulfur at a health food store it's just called MSM. The brand that I like is called Sunfood they have one of the best qualities of MSM in the market today.

 When I started taking MSM I started off small and then increase my dosages week by week. Example- 1000 milligrams for a week and then increase the milligrams week by week by 1000 until  reaching 5000 milligrams. You don't want to exceed 5000 milligrams it may be too much.

True Story:

There was a man who walked into the store one day looking for some help with knee pain. He walked in with a cane and tells me he has tried every drug under the sun and now is fed up with all of the side effects. He also said that his pain got worse so I started my regular routine of questions to really get down to the root of the problem. I found out that the cartilage in his knee was loose and worn out. I suggested for him to start a regimen of MSM and shark cartilage. Six months later the same man walked into the health food store without the cane. Smiling from ear-to-ear he gave me a huge bear hug and said you're like a wizard!  That was the first time someone ever called me that and I was certainly humbled. The Wellness Wizard... I have to admit it's pretty cool ❤ Here is what I'd look like as a Wellness Wizard... hee hee!

I will list all of the great and wonderful benefits of MSM below. What really impresses me about MSM is that it has the ability to repair scar tissue. You know when they say scar tissue can not be repaired... Well, I'm here to tell you that...there is hope with MSM.
 MSM is used for chronic pain, osteoarthritis, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, musculoskeletal pain, muscle cramps, scar tissue, stretch marks, hair loss, wrinkles, protection against sun/wind burn, eye inflammation, oral hygiene, periodontal disease, wounds, cuts, accelerated wound healing and much more. MSM really is amazing! Everything that the Organic Sulfur guy says about MSM is true, however, you don't have to spend hundreds for dollars to get it.

Any questions...Comment below~ Sfly

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to Lose Weight (Weight Loss and Obesity) - Teal Swan

This video hit me hard! I absolutely had to share this with you. Teal Swan is amazing.

So, repeat after me " I love and accept my body. I am thankful for my body.

 I will vow to weed out the negative thoughts I have toward my self image.

Thank you for visiting

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why is everyone sick?

Hello Readers,

So.. why is it that everywhere I turn someone is sick? I have the answer but nobody wants to hear it. It's extremely hard to face the facts. It's even harder when the answer is something that consumes and revolves each and every day of your lives.

As a wellness consultant I get so many questions as to why they feel sick all the time and my 1st response to most of these questions are..

You ready?  HERE IT GOES!

What are you eating???

They immediately pause and look at me as if I had two heads and a tail.

I proceeded to ask them with a serious look on my face. I repeat...  soooo... I just want to know what do you eat. 9 times out of 10 most people know exactly what they're eating and what they should not be eating.

Working at a health food store isn't easy but explaining food is. I start to walk with them around the store and pointing out things that are healthy, chemical free and maintains a healthy immune system.

Then suddenly I don't have two head's and a tail anymore.  Just the usual one head and a tail... lol

 I mainly work in the supplements department because that is where my expertise expand.

I enjoy the challenge and I learn more and more about supplementation. I learn something new everyday. Vitamins, supplement, herbs and the mixture between that and all of the new dis-eases coming out it some cases is difficult to suggest certain supplements to people with the illnesses but food is easy.

Let me explain why. You know when you eat something it makes you feel good or bad. It's easy to tell because when you eat something either you feel tired or you have more energy. And that's how you know. Sounds like common sense doesn't it?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Now with food, certain foods can give you headaches depending on the chemicals,how it's grown and the processing of the food. A lot of people have obtained food allergies because of these processes. Big indication of that is the gluten free epidemic.

50 years ago our grandparents we're able to eat wheat with no problem. Its the way they are processing and cultivation of the wheat that is making people highly sensitive to gluten.

Believe me, I understand the anxiety behind what to eat. Everything we were taught with the food pyramid and commercials we believed that this was the way to eat. Well, I'm here to tell you it's not.

So here's my advice today if you have health issue start figuring out what is making you so sick. Read the ingredients. Research. It's easy to do.

If you really want to go hard at it fast for 3 days on nothing but liquids and soup make sure they're organic.

Then after those three they start incorporating back food into your diet and you will be able to tell what is making you sick because immediately after eating it you will feel good or you will feel sick.

Process of elimination is the key.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The magic of Black Seed Oil

The magic of black!! Calm down people I'm not talking about Voodoo! I want to share with you the amazing healing properties of this wonderful black oil goodness and if you are wondering ...Yes I take it everyday. Black Seed Oil as known as Nature's Miracle Remedy...Cool fact The Prophet Mohammed proclaimed over 14 hundred years ago and it is quite a statement...

" Black Seed Oil can cure every disease accept for death"

My story on how I stumbled across this black beauty... Everyone that knows me personally or even my readers who visit my blog know how incredibly Holistic my lifestyle is. I don't mess around! I eat organic foods, I rarely eat out and if I ever do I pick place that will at follow certain guide lines that are up to my standards. I do not use beauty products with chemicals...I don't even color my finger nails because of the nasty junk in the paint. All that being said ...I really, really wanted a new look so much so that I decided to change my hair color ...Hey... no judging okay...I'm still a girl you guys <3

So I wanted to lighten my hair and I didn't want to wait to spray lemon, chamomile and honey. It would take forever so I figured I've been good and I deserve to treat myself to this idea floating around in my head for months. I even created a Pinterest board on hair colors I wanted (obsessed? Umm... maybe a little) I know....Get to the point...Sorry! I'm rambling but I can't help it I'm a Gemini :) I did it and I love my hair but that night I could not sleep ...I had the worst headache ever!!! I never get headaches...I can't remember the last time I had one. It was probably over 13 years ago. I knew instantly why my head was pounding...I toss and turned all night until I couldn't take it anymore so I got up to look in the drawer where I keep all my tinctures. Anxiously feeling around in the dark, finally pulled an unopened bottle of Black Seed Oil.

I remembered reading that it was good for headaches, I didn't think twice ...I cracked it open and drink two dropper full then laid down again. The pounding headache stopped less than a minute ...I could not believe it because I've been this industry for over 10 year and never has anything worked as fast as Black Seed...It really works.

Know anyone with Migraines?

Tell them about Black Seed...they will thank you because it really works and fast! Not only for headaches either I will list them below just to name a few;

Analgesic (Pain-Killing)
Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic) 
Liver Protector
Kidney Protector
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitor

I always encourage my readers to do your own research but let me tell you I will be taking Black Seed Oil everyday!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

How to be a customer 5

Baby, Baby Baby!!


I know you see your baby ripping through my store destroying all the products on the shelves like a little Tasmanian Devil...Can you feel my pain?! No? Ok...I'll explain it to you as nicely as I can :)

I have children in my life that I love and adore with my entire soul. They are my nephews and they are crazy kids. They are little hyper machines! These boys keep me on my toes. I am also a single parent. I have a son that I dragged along with me to shop, pay bills and everything else you can imagine.

He was by my side the entire time!

Honestly, I've notice parents these days look afraid to discipline their kids! What's up Moms & Dads? It's unbelievable! Call me old school but I don't take any crap from my nephews or my son when they act up!

They know I mean business with just one look. 

Please watch them! Keep your baby by your side not just for the store's sake but for yours!! We have so many glass products and it only takes one second for those little hands to get busy. You could be spending your night at the emergency! Not much fun!

I really want to remind you that there are so many registered sex offenders that don't look like they are and who knows what can happen if you aren't watching that sweet angel of yours! 

It's incredible the dirty looks I get when I let parents know that I found their child wondering around helping themselves to a snacks at our bulk bins. It's as if I did something wrong by returning the child to them!

I'm asking every person who reads this blog to please let anyone you may know that lets their kids wonder around the store and not just a health food store. 

You know who they are!!!

A cousin, sister, friend or if your guilty of it sometimes tell them to CUT IT OUT and don't be jerk to the employee that tells you that they found your child in the backroom. 

They may have saved your baby's life :)

 It sucks for everybody if something bad happens!

That's all folks!
Sending blessing your way tonight